- Operation Hours: Mon-Fri (8:30am-5:30pm), Sat (8:30am-12:30pm), Closed on Sun & Public Holiday
Lasting Power of Attorney
This is a legal document that allows a person aged 21
years and above to voluntarily appoint 1 or more persons,
to act and make decisions on your behalf, if you should lose
your mental capacity one day. 2 broad areas can be covered –
personal welfare as well as property & affairs.
By doing a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA), it will ensure that
– If you lose your mental ability, the decision regarding your
personal and financial interests will be taken care of by someone
you trust.
How to make a LPA?
Advance Medical Directive
This is a legal document that allows a person aged 21 years
and above to inform your doctor that you do not want the use of
life sustaining treatment to prolong your life if you become
terminally ill, unconscious and death is imminent.
How to make a AMD?