Specially for men/women with bloatedness, gastric pain, change in bowel movements, dark stools, blood in stools
- Medical History Screening
- Doctor’s consultation
- Physical examination
- Body Mass Index & Body Composition
- Cardiac Screening- Resting ECG
- Urine Analysis
- Stool for Occult Blood
- Full Blood Count
- Diabetic Screen
- Lipid Profile
- Full Kidney Function
Full Liver Function
Endocrine Function (Thyroid)
Infectious Disease - Hepatitis A, B, VDRL
Bone & Joint Screen -Rheumatoid Arthritis Factor, Gout
Cancer Markers - Colon, Liver, Nose, Pancreas, Prostate (male), Ovary (female)
Helicobacter Pylori (stomach bacteria)
Gastroclear – MicroRNA blood test for Early Detection of Stomach Cancer
Abdominal Screen - U/S Hepatobiliary (Liver, Gallbladder)
Medical Report & Review