- Operation Hours: Mon-Fri (8:30am-5:30pm), Sat (8:30am-12:30pm), Closed on Sun & Public Holiday
Colonoscopy is a day surgery procedure that allows visualization of the colon (big intestine) via a miniature video camera.
How is a Colonoscopy performed?
Why is the Colonoscopy recommended?
Colonoscopy is used to check for colon polyp, colitis (inflammatory bowel disease eg Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative colitis) and colon cancer. Colon polyps will be removed during the colonoscopy and sent to lab for analysis. This can help to prevent a precancerous polyp from turning cancerous in future.
Asia Healthpartners is a Medisave accredited centre with day surgery centre for gastroscopy and colonoscopy and visiting consultant specialist for scope.