• Operation Hours: Mon-Fri (8:30am-5:30pm), Sat (8:30am-12:30pm), Closed on Sun & Public Holiday

Wellness Centre

Healthy Heart Screen

Specially for men/women with coronary risk factors such as hypertension, high cholesterol, smoking history, family history of heart disease.

  1. Medical History Screening
  2. Risk Profile Assessment
  3. Doctor’s consultation
  4. Physical examination
  5. Body Mass Index & Body Composition
  6. Urine Analysis
  7. Stool for Occult Blood
  8. Full Blood Count
  9. Diabetic Screen
  10. Lipid Profile
  1. Lipoprotein (a)
  2. Homocysteine
  3. High Sensitive CRP
  4. Liver Function
  5. Kidney Function
  6. Resting ECG
  7. Treadmill Stress Test
  8. Coronary CT Angiogram + Calcium Score
  9. Optional addons (Additional Cost Required) – Cardiac MRI, MRI Brain and Brain Arteries

  1. Doctor's consultation
  2. 2D echocardiogram in Cardiology Clinic
  3. Treadmill stress test
  4. Lab Test:
    1. Full Blood Count, Peripheral Blood Film, ESR
    2. Full Kidney Function
    3. Full Liver Function
    4. Infectious disease - Hepatitis A, B, VDRL
    5. Bone & Joint screen - Calcium, Phosphate, Uric acid
    6. Cancer markers - Colon, Liver
    7. Urine analysis
    8. Stool for occult blood
    9. Diabetic Screen
    10. Lipid Profile