• Operation Hours: Mon-Fri (8:30am-5:30pm), Sat (8:30am-12:30pm), Closed on Sun & Public Holiday

Wellness Centre

Anti-Aging Screening

Stay active, look good and feel good in menopause. Menopause usually occurs between the ages of 45 – 55 years old. The ovaries stop production of female hormones – estrogen and progesterone. DHEA level (precursor hormone) also declines, causing one to feel more tired.

This can lead to the following unwanted symptoms –

  1. Hot flushes, night sweats
  2. Sleep problems
  3. Mood changes
  4. Aches and pains
  5. Fatigue, poor concentration
  1. Weight gain
  2. Dry skin, thinning hair
  3. Vaginal dryness
  4. Low sex drive

AND Serious Health Issues –

  1. Hot flushes, night sweats
  2. Osteoporosis & fractures
  3. High blood pressure
  1. Diabetes
  2. High cholesterol
  3. Incontinence

You do not have to suffer in silence. We can help you with the latest treatment options.

We believe in a holistic management approach. We will review your medical history, symptoms, do a full medical check and blood analysis for you. Following this, we can use Bio-identical Hormone Therapy (natural hormones identical to our body’s) can to bring about beneficial effects of relief of above symptoms without unwanted side-effects. This is a customized therapy made from soy/yam, tailored according to your needs. It is in the form of cream, troches or capsules. This is unlike conventional HRT which is synthetic and in standard doses. This treatment is done hand in hand with healthy diet, exercises and nutritional supplements.

Make an appointment to see us to improve your quality of life.

Do you think you are having a mid life crisis? Don’t let your life come to a pause. You could be suffering from Andropause (male menopause). This can start from 40 years old. Testosterone (male hormone) is produced by Leydig cells in testes. The unfortunate fact of life is that 1 Leydig cell dies every 4 seconds, accounting for declining levels of testosterone with age. DHEA (precursor sex hormone) also declines, leading to fatigue and poor sense of well-being.

Testosterone is vital not just for sex and libido but also for the brain, heart, muscle and bone. Low levels can lead to :

  1. Low sex drive
  2. Less strong erections
  3. Weight gain, especially around the waist
  4. Decreased strength, endurance and athletic ability, decreased muscle bulk
  5. Fatigue, poor concentration
  1. Decrease in height
  2. Lack of energy, falling asleep easily after dinner
  3. Deterioration in work performance
  4. Less enjoyment in life
  5. Mood changes & irritability, sleep problems

AND Serious Health Issues –

  1. Heart disease
  2. Osteoporosis & fractures
  3. High blood pressure
  1. Diabetes
  2. High cholesterol
  3. Sexual function problems

Solutions are available! We will review your medical history, symptoms, do a full medical check and blood analysis for you. Testosterone replacement therapy can help to improve the quality of your life, in terms of mood, sense of well-being, mental & physical energy, improvement in lean body mass and decrease in fat mass, and improved sexual performance. Treatment options include bio-identical testosterone replacement (customized cream/ troches/capsules made from soy/yam) and testosterone injections. This is done together with lifestyle and nutritional supplementation.

Live your life to the fullest!

This is a condition that affects up to 85% of ladies during the reproductive years. It is a hormonal disorder with regular and recurring symptoms, typically in the 2nd half of the menstrual cycle. It can be related to nutrition, stress, genetics, hormonal changes and chemical changes in the brain.

If you have the following, do seek medical help -

Emotional & behavioural symptoms - Mood swings, irritability, depression, insomnia, poor concentration, food cravings

Physical symptoms – headache, bodyache, fatigue, acne flareups, breast tenderness, abdominal bloatedness, fluid retention.

What you can do for yourself –

  1. Small meals, less salt, less caffeine and alcohol, Osteoporosis & fractures
  2. Exercise and relaxation
  3. Nutritional supplements e.g. multivitamins, calcium, magnesium, evening primrose oil

What we can do for you –

We will review your medical history, symptoms, do a full medical check and blood analysis for you. Bio-identical hormone (progesterone) therapy can be considered to correct the hormonal imbalance and relieve the above symptoms effectively. This is a safe treatment using customized hormones, identical to our body’s, made from yam/soy. The preparation is tailor-made to individual needs and comes in the form of cream/troches.

It will bring about positive effects such as better sleep, better mood, better skin, less headaches, bodyaches, bloatedness, breast pain and fluid retention.

Don’t let PMS control you, overcome PMS today!